Friday, August 14, 2009

Enjoying the veg of our labour!

It seems like forever since I last posted something in this little cyber garden of mine. That's not to say that things haven't been happening in the vegetable garden, it's just that since our holiday, we've all immersed ourselves in that familiar rhythm of routine, that we call life!

So while it's been quiet here, we've been sowing and growing and MOWING, and DELIGHTING in the fruits (read veg) of our labour, as our vegetable garden continues to expand, thrive and GIVE BACK. I'm also now in the habit of buying seedlings on a regular basis so the planting continues in the hopes that in the next few weeks, we will be able to harvest on a more regular basis.
We managed to harvest the equavalent of about a pocket of potatoes worth of carrots, which we divided amongst the 3 of us that have brought this garden to life. There's something special about "homegrown". Just as people who are encouraged to explore and enjoy their individuality, blossom because of it, when veg such as carrots for example, are grown in a wholesome, natural environment, without any interference, they mature to these wonderful bursts of sweet orange, of different shapes and sizes - not perfectly shaped as you would see in shops where veg are and have to be mass produced and chemically treated. They all have the bits and pieces a carrot should have, but they all have their lumps and bumps that make them SPECIAL!

Our spinach was marvellous! We had creamed spinach for dinner, and everyone including the children remarked how delicious it was, and how the spinach seemed different - true story. Only then did I remember to mention that it was homegrown:-).

Growing your own food does make you feel connected to it and maybe that's why it tastes better! At the moment, we're enjoying watching our onions, carrots, spinach, sugar snap peas and peppers grow. I can't wait until our garden is a sustainable garden that we can eat from every night.

Aside from that our family are really becoming more aware of healthy eating habits - we've always been this way inclined, but never been as committed as we would like to be. I am however finding that bringing food from the garden straight onto the kitchen counter, somehow makes you inclined to want to eat better, and make better choices, and delve into natures pantry even more......